

Carla Terry – Lead Vocalist for No Regrets

A little background on me. I have been singing lead vocals in a local Covers Band in the Manawatu now for just on 10yrs. I always knew that I required a little help to correct some bad habits I had taught myself in my journey.

Fast track through to 9wks ago….

Rapid Vocal Results

I had heard great things about Rapid Vocal Results and this Paule Enso. I ummm’d and ahhhhhh’d for a few months on whether I should join up. Well anyway, I did. And he is ah-ma-zing!!!

Paule has been teaching me about how to better breathe through my diaphragm to get a better use of air to create my sound. Yeah I know, sounds complex, and it is. But he makes it easy. He is the absolute best.

Honestly if your singing needs a bit of help – Paule Enso is your man! If I was asked to rate his teaching ability on a scale of 1 to 10, and 10 being the absolute best, I would rate Paule a 9.5 (I don’t give anybody a 10!) but it just shows you how amazing Rapid Vocal Results really is.

Thanks heaps Paule for everything you have done and continue to do to educate me in my vocals journey.

Sarah Spicer – Recording & Touring Artist, X-Factor Finalist

I’m 43 yrs old and quite frankly I thought, that I had my voice all worked out by now! But after spending some quality time working with Paule and his Rapid Vocal Results methods, I definitely noticed improvements in my tone and vocal strength etc. Learning how to use my voice more efficiently has measurably improved the stamina of my singing voice.

Paule helped me gain a deeper understanding of how the voice works in a holistic way. I have now learnt practical vocal techniques that help me to maintain my voice at its best. 

Paule helped me out recently while I was on tour. Due to my performance schedule. I had been singing daily for weeks in a row and was suffering from fatigue and lack of energy.

The RVR techniques, really work and are easy to learn! I will continue to use them in the future both on the road and in the studio.

Paule is very professional, flexible and reliable and I can’t recommend him highly enough. The Skype calls work really well and allow me to practice from home or while I’m on the road.

Many Thanks Paule,
Sarah Sassy Spicer


Filip Egnell – Stockholme, Sweden (Online Coaching)

Through out my life I’ve always loved to sing. But in recent years I’ve started to notice how extremely exhausted my voice got after much less than an hour of singing. 

My vocal challenge that I wanted to over come was the inefficient singing. It felt like I was pushing and staining all the time when I sang. I thought that I was already at the end of my range and volume of my voice, but I thought I’d give Paule a try anyway. During my RVR vocal diagnostic session I tried to sing Piano man and Dream on both went pretty shit. Paule said that he could help me, so I came back for the first actual coaching session. He brought out the first RVR exercises for opening the throat, showed me some strange mouth shapes and let me sing a song at the end. That was the first time ever my voice did not even feel a little exhausted after singing. So I continued the lessons for about 7-8 months  and i ve recently resumed the Skype, coaching sessions again, because I had started to loose some of the new improved vocal and breathing co-ordinations, that literally made it easier to sing high screaming rock songs!. I wanted that freedom back and new who to call to help me get back on track! In the end Paule helped me fix problems I didn’t even know I had.

I had a vocal coach prior to Paule and his methods were completely different to what I was used to. But already in the second lesson I could feel a difference. Of course I took some time to actually learn to sing like that all the time and not go back to my old ways in between the lessons. But the fact that I could already feel the difference was astonishing to me so I kept on going.

The personalized vocal coaching, was extremely helpful for me. In the coaching sessions I always trusted Paule 100% and his methods too. But at the same time I always felt like I had a say in my coaching if there was something that I wanted to work more on for example or if there was something I wanted to change. Paule always made the coaching fun and interesting with a lot of mind movies to make things easier to understand and remember.

Did Paule’s methods, exercises and coaching work for me? Not only YES, but HELL YES!! After the 7-8 months of coaching with Paule I am literally a whole new singer. I can sing things that I was only able to dream about singing before. When I started the RVR I was straining a lot while singing, I had a hard time singing loud without killing my voice after about 10 min. I couldn’t really take any notes in the 5th octave, an A4-B4 was a pretty damn high note for me. Now a high note for me is a D5-E5 and a D6 in falsetto. Because of RVR not only my chest voice and head voice got stronger, but also my falsetto. I don’t strain a lot when I sing anymore. I recently recorded some demo’s in Sweden with a progressive rock band for about 4h without even being close to blowing out my voice.

I don’t have a lot to compare Paule’s coaching to but can definitely say that every session is really, really fun! Even the ones where I thought the exercises were really tricky or the ones where something was really hard to understand for me. I knew that in the end I would get a lot out of it and man was I right. The way I would describe the coaching style is that it’s really varied and dynamic. If there is one thing in particular you want to work on Paule finds ten different ways for you to work on it and then selects the best few for you.

On the 10th of December 2022, Filip performed at the official afterparty event for the Nobel Peace Prize with his band.

Anastasiya K

I decided to take on singing lessons to get better control of my voice. My other hope was to maybe understand the sound, notes, tones and whatever I could comprehend, without having big ambitions.

Well, a few sessions in we discovered that I had a good singing (!!!) voice that I never knew I had, nor did I ever hear! This became so exciting and opened up so many possibilities I never dreamed of!

It’s been 7 months, I can (mostly) sing in tune, I am comfortable singing along to my favorite artists and now it’s just a matter of work that I put in, and direction that I decide to take. 

Super grateful to Paule, his professionalism, his approach and persistence with me as a student! Hope this can empower more people to discover their voice, too.

Parabola West – Touring and Recording Artist

I have been working with Paule for just under a year, mostly via Skype lessons, and I have found his method of teaching to be efficient and effective, providing immediate and lasting improvements to my singing and breathing techniques. 

Paule is able to identify and provide techniques to correct strain and resistance in my voice, as well as provide information and context around the mechanics of how it all works. 

His commitment to providing excellent value and measurable results was obvious from our first lesson, and I certainly recommend booking a lesson to see for yourself how much you can get out of an hour!

Parabola West.

AJ – Singer, Songwriter, Independent Artist

I started vocal coaching with Paule mid 2013 with the goal of being able to trust my voice enough so that I could sing confidently in front of friends, family and familiar faces whilst jamming along with my guitar.

However once I began taking vocal lessons, Paul soon helped me realise that I had a lot more potential than singing for small crowds and consistently encouraged me to strive for more.

A year later, I am making Youtube covers which are starting to attract a lot of attention, collaborating with some of the finest artists in Auckland and I have also been singing live at open mic nights in bars and performed at shows.

A big thank you to Paul for helping me stick through the initial stages, without whom I wouldn’t be where I am today. I encourage anyone out there thinking about singing to give him a go!

Check out my videos